Cork Leaving Cert Student Hits...


Cork Leaving Cert Student Hits Out At The Uncertainty Surrounding The State Exams

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

01:45 14 Apr 2020

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Victoria Bollard from Kinsale says she feels students fears are being ignored by the Government

A Cork Leaving Cert Student has hit back at the uncertainty surrounding this year's State Exams and says she and the thousands of others due to sit the exam this year feel ignored and let down by the Government

Victoria Bollard from Kinsale posted her thoughts on the matter on Instagram and she says her post has been liked by over 3,000 people and has received widespread support

The Leaving Cert student says she is upset at being criticised and labelled as "selfish" for complaining about their exams being postponed until July or August

Speaking to RedFM News Victoria says they are not upset about missing out on holidays, their Debs or Summer festivals but rather are worried about the extra stress and pressure that comes with the exams being extended by three months

Cork Leaving Cert Student Hits Out At The Uncertainty Surrounding The State Exams

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