Cork men develop EatForIreland...


Cork men develop EatForIreland app

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

09:45 9 Apr 2020

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A new food app developed by two Cork men aims to protect jobs and connect people with Irish food producers and the hospitality sector amid the economic destruction of Covid-19

EatForIreland is a web based directory app developed by food writer Joe McNamee and Donal Moran from the Cork based software company WASP Technologies that allows people to search and order a specific product that can be delivered or collected.

The app has 'cook it yourself' and 'cooked for you' options and is suitable for those who are self-isolating or cocooning.

Speaking to RedFM News, Joe McNamee says its vital to support the Irish food industry and hospitality sector.

"The hospitality sector is always the canary in the coal mine for these things, it was the same in 2008, it's the first place to feel the pinch.

"It's very obvious from a long time ago they were in trouble, thousands of jobs have been lost already.

"It's just some small little bit we can do ourselves to try and fight back and continue to support the sector."

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