Cork Pediatrician Seeing A Lot...


Cork Pediatrician Seeing A Lot Of Babies Being Born Anxious During Covid-19 Restrictions

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

08:18 23 Nov 2020

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Most hospitals only allow a partner in with a pregnant woman at the end of the labour and there are strict visiting conditions.

Dr Niamh Lynch from the Bon Secours is concerned it's leading to babies coming into the world a little stressed:

"So when I encounter a very distressed baby who's having difficulty feeding and is irritable all the time and that dreaded phrase 'colic' is keeping them from feeding and settling. I suppose I've been seeing more of that this year. It's interesting to take time to speak to the mums because you know when they recount the stories of their pregnancies and their deliveries. It's obviously quite different to what it would usually be."

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