Covid-19 Is Spreading Like Wil...


Covid-19 Is Spreading Like Wildfire At Some Nursing Homes In Ireland

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

02:55 10 Apr 2020

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That's according to an emergency medicine consultant at the Mercy University Hospital

The spread of Covid-19 needs to be tackled as a matter of urgency at nursing homes around Ireland

That's according to emergency medicine consultant at the Mercy University Hospital Dr Chris Luke who says the health system could come under increased pressure if residents are potentially transferred into hospitals for treatment.

The HSE identified 86 clusters of the virus in nursing homes yesterday- over double the figure from last Saturday.

Simon Harris says the HSE is putting extra supports for nursing homes and has praised staff for their efforts.

Speaking to RedFM News, Dr Chris Luke says teams should be deployed to nursing homes across the country:

Covid-19 Is Spreading Like Wildfire At Some Nursing Homes In Ireland

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