Criteria for testing likely to...


Criteria for testing likely to be relaxed next week

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

06:43 16 Apr 2020

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The Chief Medical Officer says the criteria for testing of Covid-19 will likely be relaxed next week.

It comes as the numbers presenting at test centres has fallen significantly in recent days.

Only those with underlying conditions and who're displaying symptoms are currently eligible for a test.

It comes as the death toll from the virus has risen by 38 to 444 while total cases now stands at 12,547.

Dr. Tony Holohan says if there's to be any easing of restrictions, it's important the case definition is expanded so more people are tested.

"If we are to consider in advance of the fifth of May changing any of the restrictions that are in place, we'll want to have had that more sensitive case definition in operation for a period of time, so we'd be able to see what the impact of that is.

"We'll build our testing and sampling and contact tracing capacity and to have some experience of that before we get to the fifth of May."

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