CUH housekeeping staff say the...


CUH housekeeping staff say they're working 24/7 to keep the hospital safe

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

02:00 9 Apr 2020

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Housekeeping staff working in Cork University Hospital say they're working 12 hour days to ensure that the hospital can continue functioning while trying to curb the spread of COVID19.

Hospitals here in Cork have introduced strict new measures to stop the public visiting the hospital as well as working to free up bed space ahead of the expected surge of coronavirus patients.

There are just over 6,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Ireland with 425 of those cases here Leeside.

Ian Morey works for CUH housekeeping in the A&E department and speaking on the Neil Prendeville Show on Cork's RedFM he says everyone is afraid of contracting the virus but they have strict policies in place to protect themselves:

CUH housekeeping staff say they're working 24/7 to keep the hospital safe

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Meanwhile SIPTU's Sharon Cregan says frontline workers are doing all they can to help in the fight against COVID19:

CUH housekeeping staff say they're working 24/7 to keep the hospital safe

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