Department of Social Protectio...


Department of Social Protection deals with jobseekers allowance applications from bar staff

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

12:13 16 Mar 2020

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The Department of Social Protection is dealing with tens of thousands of applications for jobseeker's allowance today following the closure of the country's pubs, clubs and restaurants.

They are closed until March 29th in an effort to stop the spread of coronavirus.

The decision has left some 7,000 family businesses with zero turnover and some 50,000 workers with no income.

CEO of the Licensed Vintners' Association, Donal O'Keeffe, says publicans were finding it very difficult to manage the social-distancing guidelines.

"Irish people congregate together. they congregate together at the bar, and in nooks and crannies at the pub.

"And with the best will in the world publicans were finding it very difficult to manage the social distancing guidelines.

"The vast majority of our members took their responsibility seriously, but Saturday night in particular we saw a small number of publicans show a complete disregard for public health, and we saw a large number of their customers show the same disregard for public health."

Department of Social Protection deals with jobseekers allowance applications from bar staff

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