Eddie Hobbs: Working From Home...


Eddie Hobbs: Working From Home A Mixed Bag

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

04:11 28 Jun 2020

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He was speaking in the wake of the release of RedFM's Life in Lockdown survey

The survey was conducted at the start of this month among 700 of our listeners on their experience of life during lockdown - their consumption of news, their plans for life after restrictions are lifted and if their priorities had changed since Covid-19 came to our shores.

One third of respondents have not been financially impacted at all by Covid-19 while one third say they have been somewhat or severely financially impacted by the virus.

Our survey shows that one of the big changes for people is the shift to working from home.

Financial advisor Eddie Hobbs told RedFM News that he believes working from home will give employers a chance to review their business operations:

Eddie Hobbs: Working From Home A Mixed Bag

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