Family carers assured they won...


Family carers assured they won't be forgotten

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

10:56 3 Apr 2020

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Family carers are being assured they won't be forgotten about if they lose homecare support because of the coronavirus.

About 750 homecare workers are to be redeployed to nursing homes and other facilities during the crisis.

It will mean several families will lose their home-help hours.

Catherine Cox, from Family Carers Ireland, says they must not fall through the cracks.

"We just want to ensure that every family is looked at as an individual case, and that no service is pulled without ensuring there is a family network and support there.

"We also want to assure families that do lose their hours that Family Carers Ireland, we are here for them.

"We do have support in the community, we're working with other organisations to ensure that where families do lose their hours that there are still supports there for them."

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