Former HSE Boss Says Planned E...


Former HSE Boss Says Planned Easing Of Restrictions For Christmas Period Should Be Reviewed

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

08:27 17 Dec 2020

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It comes as NPHET meets this morning amid growing concern at the spread of the virus.

Chief medical officer, Tony Holohan, says the country has going in the 'wrong direction', with 431 cases confirmed yesterday.

Further restrictions are due to be lifted tomorrow, which would allow nationwide travel and three households to mix.

But former HSE director-general Tony O'Brien says that plan should not go ahead.

"If we were to judge coming out of level five on the current numbers we probably wouldn't have come out of it. So it doesn't seem like this is a good time to move from the present status, which is level three, into much more open travel and much more open congregation. I think it would be sending entirely the wrong signal, and consequently that would be a significant price to pay if we just carry on as though the current problems on there."

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