Frontline staff praised as Cor...


Frontline staff praised as Cork woman moved off ventilator after 79 days

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

01:02 19 Jun 2020

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The spirit of teamwork among front line staff is being highlighted after a Cork woman spent a record 79 days on a ventilator at a hospital in the city.

Mary Sullivan was diagnosed with Covid-19 after she was put in an induced coma at the Bons Secours Hospital in the City following a heart attack at the start of March.

The Douglas woman was cheered on by her family and staff as she was moved from the ICU to a general ward at the hospital yesterday.

With the pandemic just taking hold in Ireland, staff at the Bons worked with colleagues from CUH, Limerick and as far away as China to implement the most to date meathods of treatment were given.

Speaking to RedFM News, respiratory consultant at the hospital Dr Oisin O'Connell paid tribute to all staff involved in Mary's care.

"we've got world standard intensive care colleagues, and anaesthetists and doctors and microbiologists working in the hospital.

"I have to give credit to the nurses who worked night and day looking after her, and the Allied Healthcare Professionals working on her rehab.

"I must give gratitude to colleagues who came down from Limerick to do some specialised medical procedures, Dr O'Driscoll and come colleagues that came over from CUH, and a vascular surgeon to do some specialised procedures."

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