Garda Commissioner Says Anyone...


Garda Commissioner Says Anyone Who Made It To Their Holiday Home Must Stay There

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

01:19 8 Apr 2020

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New powers that allow Gardaí to enforce coronavirus restrictions are now in effect.

Thousands of checkpoints will be in place nationwide from now until midnight on Monday, to ensure people are not making non-essential journeys.

In particular the guards are urging people who are considering travelling to parks, natural beauty spots or holiday homes outside of the 2km limit not to do so as they will be stopped and turned back

Operation Fanacht will also focus on road safety after some speed detections highlighted in the last week include one motorist clocking  185kph in a 100kph zone on the N22 Macroom Road

Kacey O'Riordan has this report for RedFM News

Garda Commissioner Says Anyone Who Made It To Their Holiday Home Must Stay There

00:00:00 / 00:00:00

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