Gardai launch new operation to...


Gardai launch new operation to protect domestic abuse victims

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

09:51 1 Apr 2020

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Gardai have launched a new operation to protect victims of domestic abuse during the Covid-19 crisis.

Operation Faoisimh will see Gardai make phone contact with previous victims to see if there any any existing issues.

There has been a year-on-year increase, of around 16 per cent, in domestic abuse incidents reported between 2019 and 2020, according to gardaí.

But the force says there hasn't not been a significant increase in domestic abuse incidents since the introduction of Covid-19 public health measures.

Detective Chief Superintendent Declan Daly says the pandemic hasn't diluted gardai's response to domestic violence.

"Domestic violence and  sexual crime is a really high priority for an Garda Siochana - Covid-19 hasn't diluted one bit, nor has it diluted our response to domestic violence.

"We have more frontline services available than we've ever had in the history of the organisation, those services are there, we're committed to your protection, and we really want for you to be safe."

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