Government Expected To Receive...


Government Expected To Receive Report For Roll Out Of Vaccines

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

07:35 11 Dec 2020

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A high-level taskforce is due to complete its work on the logistics of how doses would be distributed.

The cabinet's already decided nursing home residents, frontline healthcare workers and over 70s will be first in line.

European regulators are due to decide whether to approve the Pfizer jab by December 29th.

Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan says despite recent progress in tackling Covid-19, people shouldn't drop their guard with a vaccine not far away:

"It's important for us to remind ourselves of just how fragile those gains are, and that if we don't maintain a very high level of practice, in terms of important public health measures as we await the exciting development of vaccination- which in many ways is just around the corner. It would be a real regret if we were to see a surge in infections and preventable mortality occurring as a result of that for people who might otherwise be vaccinated in a few short weeks or months."

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