Infectious disease consultant...


Infectious disease consultant says Covid-19 is like nothing she's ever seen

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

09:28 22 Apr 2020

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An Infectious Disease Consultant at Cork University Hospital says she has never seen an infection behave like Covid-19.

Professor Mary Horgan says while the majority of people who contract the virus will experience mild symptoms, patients requiring hospitalisation can deteriorate very quickly.

Front line medical staff are warning the public not to become complacent after reports that some people are breaking restrictions on movement and social distancing rules lately.

There are 16,040 confirmed cases of the virus in Ireland- Cork has the second highest number at 1,053 confirmed cases.

Cork Hospitals have been faring well, with the latest figures from 8am yesterday showing there were 51 vacant beds, including critical beds at the Mercy and 24 beds at CUH.

Speaking to RedFM News, Professor Mary Horgan says it's frightening how quickly the condition of patients with Covid-19 can change.

"I've been an infectious disease doctor for 30 years now and I've never see an infection behave like it in those that end up in hospital.

"Some people have very mild infection in hospital, but those who require more and more oxygen get sick very very quickly.

"The one thing that's very hard for us as doctors is we can't predict those people who get worse very quickly.

"This is something I think we'll learn as we get more research into Covid-19."

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