INTO reacts to media reports o...


INTO reacts to media reports on potential extension of Mid-Term break

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

11:14 9 Oct 2020

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The union's general secretary John Boyle says the INTO called for and secured regular engagement with the Department of Education to support the planning and preparation for the reopening of schools safely.

The union say it is imperative that when significant decisions are being made that the education stakeholders are consulted and given due notice of the outcomes so they can manage any potential disruption to primary schools.

The INTO is now seeking an urgent review of the public health advice on schools to determine the necessary level of protocols, protections and precautionary measures needed when the level of infection is very high in a community and for clarity on the status of schools at Level 5.

John Boyle says "There are alternatives to closure and to supporting learning remotely, such as partial opening where half of each class attends school on a rota basis. Having the EU's largest classes leaves little room for distancing in primary schools and next Tuesday the government will have a chance to reduce our class sizes."

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