Ireland Continues To Have One...


Ireland Continues To Have One Of The Lowest Incidence Rates Of Covid-19 In Europe

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

01:51 14 Dec 2020

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That's despite concerns over rising case numbers

429 cases of the virus were reported yesterday, with warnings that there is spread all over the country.

Andrew Lowth has this report for RedFM News:

'With just 11 days to go until Christmas, 18 of the 26 counties in the Republic saw daily case numbers rise yesterday compared to Saturday. The national 14-day incidence rate of COVID-19 per 100 thousand people is now at 84.3, which is the highest it's been in nearly 2 weeks. It's led to concerns raised by the Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan, with the 5-day moving average number of cases going above 300 again. Despite the belief that we'll be seeing more restrictions in January, Infectious diseases professor Sam McConkey thinks we're in a better position than in some other countries. In Europe, only Iceland has a lower incidence rate, while Ireland is one of only three countries with rates lower than 100. There are 197 people with Covid-19 in hospital today, which is up slightly on previous days but still down from the 232 recorded last Monday. 33 people are in ICU, which is 5 more than the same time last week.'

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