Irish Hotel Federation calls f...


Irish Hotel Federation calls for clarity on reopening of tourism sector

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

06:58 22 Apr 2020

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The Irish Hotels Federation's calling on government to put in place a clear roadmap for the reopening of the tourism sector and the hosting of events of all sizes.

Yesterday it announced a ban on events of over 5,000 people until September due to Covid-19.

he move has resulted in the cancellation of big gigs and festivals this summer.

President of the Irish Hotels Federation, Elaina Fitzgerald Kane says it will have a big impact on businesses and they now need some certainty.

"When the ceiling came into being of 100 people, you had Australia with a ceiling of 100 people but you had France with a ceiling of 1,000.

"I think it hit us with such ferocity we didn't know what to do, but there were a lot of unanswered questions around it.

"Sometimes that happens with quick decisions, and that's where some of the frustration can arise.

"We are looking for a roadmap, we are looking for clarity."

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