Large Retailers Are Planning F...


Large Retailers Are Planning For Longer Trading Hours After Level 5 Restrictions Are Eased

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

01:08 21 Nov 2020

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It's to deal with increased demand ahead of the festive season

The restrictions are due to expire early next month, giving shoppers just over three weeks to prepare for Christmas.

Today's Independent reports that Tesco and Penneys are reviewing their opening hours in anticipation of extra shoppers.

Retail Excellence spokesman Duncan Graham says the lockdown means there's little time to prepare for the festive season:

'I think when you get into a situation where retailers have been closed down for six weeks, then clearly they need to be making the most out of the three weeks that they'll have to shift all the Christmas stock before Christmas Eve. So it does make sense, and obviously it's smoothes shopping out of it for a bit, and enables people to perhaps shop a little bit more safely.'

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