LISTEN BACK: David spoke to Ne...


LISTEN BACK: David spoke to Neil Prendeville about airline price hikes as he tries to get back to Ireland

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

11:09 16 Mar 2020

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Yesterday, Irish people who are currently in Spain were told to get back to Ireland.

David is furious about price hikes to get the Irish back home before the deadline of the 19th. He is in Andalucia. He had a flight booked for Friday with Ryanair. There is no other Ryanair flight to Cork previous to Friday. Aer Lingus are booked out and flights to Dublin are extortionate prices. Ryanair have not rescheduled flights to help passengers who can't get out on the Friday flight. Has not heard from Ryanair yet about getting back home and is having problems.

You can listen to David's conversation with Neil here:

LISTEN BACK: David spoke to Neil Prendeville about airline price hikes as he tries to get back to Ireland

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