National Public Health Emergen...


National Public Health Emergency Team meeting to discuss extending restrictions

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

06:43 7 Apr 2020

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The State's Chief Medical Officer says the public shouldn't be surprised if restrictions on work and travel are extended beyond this Sunday.

The death toll from Covid-19 in the Republic has risen to 174, after 16 more people were confirmed to have died from the virus.

There are now over 5,300 confirmed cases.

The National Public Health Emergency Team meets this morning to discuss further extending movement restrictions, but a formal recommendation won't be made until Friday.

However Dr. Tony Holohan says people will know before then if the measures will remain in place.

"What we'll do over the course of this week I'll be as honest and open as I can with you, so it's not going to be that we're going to reveal everything on Friday.

"As the week goes on and the impression of where we are is increasing either in one direction or another I will share that sense with you - so that wherever we arrive at formally on Friday won't be a surprise to you."

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