National Public Health Emergen...


National Public Health Emergency Team to consider extending restrictions

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

07:18 3 Apr 2020

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The National Public Health Emergency Team meets this morning to assess if restrictions on movement should be extended beyond April 12th.

The death toll from Covid-19 in the Republic has risen to 98, with 13 further patients dying from the virus.

402 new cases have been diagnosed, meaning the total number of confirmed cases now stands at 3,849.

Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan says this morning's meeting will look at whether restrictions can be eased after Easter Sunday.

"The thin we'll be looking very carefully at is if we lift some of these restrictions, we would have to be sure that we can have very aggressive case finding, contact tracing, and capacity in place.

"As well as continuing to isolate any cases that arise as quickly as we can."

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