New Government Webpage Availab...


New Government Webpage Available To Receive Offers Of Covid-19 Assistance

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

01:39 2 Apr 2020

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The page has been created to capture all offers of help in one central database

Since Covid-19 arrived in Ireland, businesses and other organisations have been contacting Government and the HSE to offer their assistance with goods and services.

A webpage has now been created to capture these offers in one central database, so that Government can ensure they are available to the right parts of the public service.

Commenting on the new webpage, which was developed by the Office of Government Procurement with support from the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Ms. Heather Humphreys T.D. said:

"Ever since the scale of the challenge of Covid-19 became clear, businesses and organisations of all sizes, from right across the country, have come forward to offer their critical support to our public services. These offers of assistance have made a key contribution to our efforts to combat the spread of Covid-19 and I want to thank those behind each and every offer received. This new online portal will provide one central repository for all future offers and help ensure that we can direct them as efficiently as possible across the Government system. I would urge any business or organisation that is considering offering assistance to the State, to please register your support on”

Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe T.D. said:
"In our time of great need, it is encouraging to learn of the extent of goodwill from businesses and organisations who are eager to offer assistance in whatever way they can. This new webpage, compiled by the Office of Government Procurement, will facilitate companies in their acts of altruism, making it easier for them to support the national response. We are experiencing a time of great global uncertainty, but we are all in this together. I would encourage all those with offers of support to get in touch using the website and I thank them for doing so"

This new webpage can be accessed through the dedicated Covid-19 pages on where businesses, and members of the public, can find accurate, up-to-date information and guidance on Government’s response to this challenge

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