Nursing Homes Ireland to meet...


Nursing Homes Ireland to meet with Health Minister

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

08:17 17 Apr 2020

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Nursing Homes Ireland is to meet with the Health Minister this afternoon.

It follows criticism that the speed at which COVID-19 has spread in nursing homes wasn't anticipated.

The majority of 425 clusters nationwide are in those settings.

CEO of Nursing Homes Ireland Tadgh Daly says an action plan for nursing homes should have been a priority.

"We would have been in constant contact with the department and the HSE right throughout February,, seeking more guidance and trying to develop guidance and indeed highlighting as we all know the age profile and the complexity of residents in nursing homes makes them much more vulnerable.

"I personally had seen what had happened in other countries, and I felt at the time there was a lack of prioritisation."

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