One in ten Irish people would...


One in ten Irish people would refuse a coronavirus vaccine

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

07:26 17 Apr 2020

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Just under two thirds of Irish people say they'd definitely accept a vaccine for covid-19 if it became available.

A thousand adults responded to a survey by psychological researchers at Maynooth and Trinity.

One in four say they'd consider being vaccinated -- but a tenth say they'd turn it down.

Dr Fréderíque Vallières, director of the Trinity Centre for Global Health, says they're going to dig deeper with more surveys in the weeks ahead.

"We know how important vaccines and immunisations are, and especially to reach herd immunity, to make sure there's a sufficient number of the population that is protected from the vaccine, such that we can actually protect people who cannot access them or are too vulnerable to access them."

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