Over 14 Million Covid Vaccine...


Over 14 Million Covid Vaccine Doses Will Be Delivered Here At Cost Of €112 Million

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

06:52 15 Dec 2020

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Cabinet will consider a report later on how it should be distributed - including the establishment of large, centralised vaccination centres.

A high-level Covid taskforce reported to government last Friday and that will be published this afternoon following a cabinet meeting.

It will set out how vaccines will be secured, transported, stored and ultimately delivered.

The report says there will be five places it will be possible to get a vaccine.

Firstly in long-term residential care homes and healthcare settings like hospitals, in order to give the most vulnerable and frontline health workers first access.

Later next year large scale vaccine sites will be set up in a similar manner to how large testing centres were put together.

Finally in later stages the vaccinations will be available from GPs and pharmacists.

While the Department of Health expects the first vaccinations to be done in the week after the European Medicines Agency approves a vaccine it will be much later into 2021 before any sort of wide-scale vaccination is achieved.

Ireland has advanced purchase orders with five companies which would provide 14.6 million doses at a cost of €112 million.

However, even once approved, not all of those doses will arrive in the country at once, which makes timelines very hard to predict.

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