Parents advised to maintain ac...


Parents advised to maintain access/custody arrangements where possible due to potential impact on children amid Covid19 outbreak

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

05:56 25 Mar 2020

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Treoir, the National Federation of Services for Unmarried Parents and their Children, have received a greatly increased number of calls from unmarried parents about access and custody arrangements in the wake of social distancing recommendations by the HSE.

In the last week the vast majority of Treoir’s calls are from concerned unmarried parents in relation to access and custody to their children.

The organisation say that parents are justifiably concerned about the safety of their children during the COVID-19 crisis and are attempting to limit contact with others as per the guidelines.

However, where possible Treoir say they would encourage unmarried parents who are not living together to maintain access and custody arrangements so that children can continue to have a relationship with both parents.

In a statement issued to RedFM News Treoir say difficulties in stopping or reviewing access may have a huge impact on children who may already feel anxious due to school closures and feeling isolated from their friends and family members.

They say the current crisis could provide an opportunity in some cases for parents to increase contact in order to support primary carers who are doing much of the parenting particularly while schools are closed.

"People need to follow guidelines in order to safeguard older relatives or those at risk, but it is important court orders granting access are respected, unless there are public health reasons for doing otherwise. Unmarried parents can be creative and imaginative in finding ways for all parents to stay in touch with their children," the organisation say.

Treoir recognises this is a difficult time for unmarried parents and would urge people to communicate respectfully with each other around access. In a time of crisis it is important to understand each other's anxieties and to assist the other parent with their parenting role.

Treoir staff will continue to provide information to unmarried parents and to the organisations and professionals that work with them.

If you are concerned about a particular issue please see Tusla guidelines on the Treoir website for further information. Treoir staff will continue to provide information to unmarried parents and to the organisations and professionals that work with them.  Our Information Service can be contacted by calling 01 6700120, or at [email protected], see also

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