People encouraged to stay away...


People encouraged to stay away from other people's pets

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

08:00 9 Apr 2020

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People are being encouraged to stay away from other people's pets as it could spread Covid-19.

Touching the animal with your hands could transfer the disease to animal's fur and they bring it home - possibly spreading the illness to vulnerable or older people.

Former president of Veterinary Ireland is Dr Alan Rossiter - he says the likelihood of it happening is low, but possible.

"Somebody could cough on your cat if your cat walked in, and if that person who coughed on your cat has the virus there could be a virus on the coat.

"But the risk of that happening is minimal, it really is miniscule.

"If you are cocooning and you feel like you're high risk, just keep your cat in, if you want to minimise the risk you can keep your cat in.

"If everybody does what they're told to do, don't pet other people's animals don't let somebody else's animals into your house, then the risk is mitigated and gone."

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