People who recover from corona...


People who recover from coronavirus reminded to maintain social distancing

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

09:59 23 Mar 2020

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People who recover from coronavirus are still being reminded to keep up with social distancing.

It's believed there is a period of immunity following infection, but experts don't know enough about the illness to know how long it will last.

Chair of the Coronavirus Expert Advisory Group, Cillian De Gascun, says people who have been infected shouldn't automatically assume they're immune.

"As the number of recovered individuals increases over the coming months it's certainly an area that we have to look at from the point of view of the best recommendations for those individuals in context of returning to the work place or returning to an otherwise normal life.

"But as long as the population guidance remains in place with regards physical distancing, we'd expect individuals recovered or otherwise ore who haven't been infected to act in the same manner."

People who recover from coronavirus reminded to maintain social distancing

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