Possible further restrictions...


Possible further restrictions to be revealed today

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

08:32 24 Mar 2020

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We’ll find out later what further restrictions will be imposed here to tackle the spread of the coronavirus.

Schools, creches and pubs are likely to stay closed for longer while playgrounds and parks could shut.

Restaurants or shops that can’t adhere to social distancing rules are also likely to close.

Cabinet is meeting this morning to discuss the measures from the National Public Health Emergency Team.

Monaghan based GP Illona Duffy says tighter rules are needed.

"Around the country in some areas people aren't listening and are still congregating in large numbers together.

"Even simple things like parks, they're going but they're too close [to other people], and in shops they're still too close.

"And while many shops are trying to distance people and limit that, it's still not happening everywhere, therefore we're all at risk from that.

"Probably a decision to tighten up on things, maybe not a full lockdown, but definitely to tighten up on things needs to be made soon."

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