President Michael D Higgins Wi...


President Michael D Higgins Will Be Saying Thanks To Staff And Students Today For Keeping Schools Open

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

08:52 11 Dec 2020

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He's taking part in a video message for 'Go raibh maith agaibh' day for their efforts to keep students safe during the Covid crisis.

Primary and secondary schools across the country will see the video of thanks from political leaders and sports personalities.

Irish Second Level Students Union welfare officer, Mathew Ryan, says everyone has played their part:

"There's been so much work put in by everyone, not just teachers, but students principals school leaders, bus drivers, caretakers: everyone, so you know they are kind of the unsung heroes I suppose of the reopening of schools so it's really nice to see everyone coming together to kind of say thank you to them."

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