Professor Phillip Nolan:


Professor Phillip Nolan: "We can't become complacent"

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

08:57 31 Mar 2020

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We’re being warned the next seven days are vital to see if we can contain the spread of the coronavirus.

2,910 people now have Covid 19 here and 54 people have lost their lives.

New figures show we are flattening the curve as the daily growth of cases has decreased from 33 to 15 per cent.

But Professor Phillip Nolan from the Modelling Advisory Group says we can’t become complacent.

"The next seven days are crucial to show the country we're capable of controlling the disease.

"That's my hope and my expectation that at the end of this period towards the 12th of April we'll know that we can contain and suppress the disease.

"Then we'll know where to go next as a country."

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