Pubs Will Turn On Their Christ...


Pubs Will Turn On Their Christmas Lights Tonight In Protest About Not Being Allowed To Reopen

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

09:49 20 Nov 2020

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Trade groups say that publicans have only been able to trade for two weeks out of the last 37.

It will happen at 5pm.

Vintners' Federation boss Donall O'Keeffe says they're hoping the public will join their campaign on social media:

"We think the pubs are gonna look great, publicans are going to make an effort here, we've seen some lights up already in the last few days. So we are calling on people to take a snap of their favourite local, post it online, show that they're interested. Our customers are in touch in big numbers. We're having a lot of inquiries about, you know, being open for Christmas, and we're looking forward to welcoming our customers back on the premises after the first of December."

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