Representatives from the music...


Representatives from the music industry will meet with the Arts Minister next week to discuss reopening the sector

RedFM News
RedFM News

02:27 15 Aug 2021

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The Music and Entertainment Association says it wants a "definite plan", including a date for its full return.

Pilot events have been taking place north and south through July and August to facilitate the safe return of crowds.

MEAI spokesperson, Matt McGranaghan, hopes the meeting isn't another case of kicking the can down the road:

"We want the Government to name the date, we want them to commit to a date, we have been calling since last year for roadmap after roadmap and it has been delayed  on the long finger so much and at this stage, we don't think that a roadmap is the most necessary thing, we think that a roadmap will be ambiguous. So we're calling for a date. And then we can commit to that. And then the you know the roadmap, can be created."


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