Taoiseach defends decision to...


Taoiseach defends decision to keep wet pubs closed

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

10:28 8 Dec 2020

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The Government have been accused of using misleading data and information to keep wet pubs closed.

The claim has been made by the Licensed Vintners Association and Vintners Federation of Ireland who have hit out at information published by the Government and say it's a "smear on the sector" amounting to a "politically motivated hatchet job on wet pubs".

The organisations say the Government report does not show any evidence to suggest that wet pubs pose a greater risk than outlets serving food.

Speaking to RedFM News Taoiseach Mícheál Martin says it was the right decision to keep wet pubs closed this month.

"The correct balance was arrived at, and if wet pubs were opened there's no doubt we'd be facing very dramatically escalating numbers by the end fo this month, and that is unfortunately the reality.

"That's not casting any aspersions on pub owners, it's not their fault, it's just the nature of what has happened in pubs in the autumn period, which we've tracked and we know about.

"It's very difficult for publicans, and that is why we've brought in additional supports."

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