Taoiseach warns against liftin...


Taoiseach warns against lifting restrictions too quickly

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

07:59 1 Apr 2021

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The Taoiseach has warned if restrictions are eased too quickly this month it could wreck the summer.

Micheál Martin told his party last night that being too liberal with reopening is risky.

Meanwhile NPHET's appealing to people who plan on meeting up against advice over the Easter holiday to do so outdoors.

It's also warning a slight increase in the R number could mean 1,000 daily cases by the end of June.

Assistant Professor of virology at UCD, Dr. Gerald Barry, says people gathering over the coming days is a concern.

"Easter is a traditional time for people to get together, so it is worrying that a lot of people are considering this weekend as a potential opportunity to visit friends and family.

"If that happens in an indoor situation particularly, it really massively increases the risk of cases increasing, and subsequently hospitalisations and unfortunately deaths will follow."

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