Teachers union says some schoo...


Teachers union says some schools are not following public health measures

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

07:28 19 Nov 2020

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A teachers union claims some schools are not following Covid-19 public health measures.

At today's Oireachtas Education Committee, the Teachers Union of Ireland will call for enforcement where non-compliance is found.

Meanwhile Forsa will voice its concern at the lack of clarity regarding the supply of PPE to staff, and will accuse the department of minimising its use in schools.

Committee member, Sinn Fein's Rose Conway-Walsh, says they'll be looking for more detail on schools adherence to public health measures.

"We need to know why they're not following the public health measures, we need to quantify it in terms of how many schools, and we need to put that right.

"I'm not aware of any schools who aren't following the measures, but I do understand that there is a real lack of clarity about who are close contacts, what tracing is done, and who is notified."

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