Teenage boy arrested following...


Teenage boy arrested following investigation into people coughing on others

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

10:54 25 Mar 2020

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A teenage boy has been arrested in Waterford in connection with an investigation into people coughing on others on purpose.

He was picked up for a public order offence in Dungarvan on Monday.

Separately, a nurse says a group of teenagers surrounded and coughed on her while she was out for a run in Clontarf in Dublin.

And gardai are investigating reports of a man coughing into the face of an elderly couple in Co Kildare.

Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan says gardai have the power to act on this so called ‘corona challenge’.

"I don't come from a totalitarian or authoritarian perspective here as I believe the Garedai are there to help, they're there to assist, they're there to support, they're there to advise.

"But if more is needed we have the law, and that's why the Dáil sat last week - to give emergency powers in terms of assisting further the Gardai to enforce the new regime should they deem it necessary."

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