The Government Is Reassuring P...


The Government Is Reassuring People on the PUP That They Can Reapply In The New Year

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

01:23 7 Dec 2020

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Even if they sign off for seasonal work

It comes as some retailers and restaurants struggle to find staff for the Christmas period.

Kacey O'Riordan has this report for RedFM News:

'Some retailers and restaurants have lost staff to more secure jobs in supermarkets and pharmacies.Others say workers are reluctant to come off the pandemic unemployment payment over fears they would miss out on the social welfare Christmas bonus payment or will need the PUP again in the New Year amid speculation of another lockdown. Senior Government Official Liz Canavan says you can still get the bonus if you return to work over Christmas. Richard Guiney from Dublin Town says retails have raised the issue with him.The Restaurants Association claims college students in particular are choosing to stay on the PUP rather than taking up the offer of work. The Government is reassuring people who do go back to work over Christmas that should they need to, they can reapply for the PUP in January.'

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