Thousands return to the office...


Thousands return to the office tomorrow

RedFM News
RedFM News

10:35 19 Sep 2021

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It's part of the latest easing of Covid-19 restrictions

Many will be going back to the buildings for the first time in 18 months.

After a number of false dawns over the past year, the return to offices officially starts tomorrow.

For the majority of the pandemic the Government's advice has been to work from home unless absolutely necessary.

It will begin on a phased basis however as social distancing rules will still apply until October 22nd.

Restrictions on group activities will also be eased from tomorrow.

For indoors, such as dance classes and sport up to 100 people can mix - if they're all vaccinated.

However, if not everyone has been double jabbed or recently recovered from Covid-19 attendance will be limited to just six people.

While for these activities outdoors there will be no more restrictions in place.

Tomorrow will be the final day of restrictions easing ahead of October 22nd when nightclubs are set to reopen, and the majority of other measures are lifted.

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