Threshold says calls to its se...


Threshold says calls to its service have trebled

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

06:44 6 Apr 2020

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Housing charity Threshold says its number of calls trebled in the last three weeks of March.

It says the majority of people are now afraid of falling into rent arrears due to a loss of income because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The charity is now fearing a spike in the number of homeless people after the Government's measures to protect renters are lifted.

CEO of Threshold is John-Mark McCafferty - he says the types of calls they are getting have changed.

"Right now the number of cases our advisers are dealing with have more than trebled in the three week period between Monday the 9th of march and Monday the 30th of March.

"That's as a result of the pandemic and the related measures.

"Most tenants impacted are seeking advice on rent supplements, followed by queries about tenancy terminations."

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