Tiered re-opening of the count...


Tiered re-opening of the country is the most likely outcome from decisions this week on how to exit Level 5

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

01:54 24 Nov 2020

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Cabinet Ministers met this morning but no decision was taken ahead of a second meeting on Thursday or Friday.

It looks as though most retail will be allowed to open next week as the country enters a version of level three.

Restaurants and pubs that serve food may have to wait a further week before being allowed to open.

Speaking on his way into Cabinet, Public Expenditure Minister Michael McGrath said he’d like to see the economy reopen as much as possible.

"There are a lot of considerations to take into account. I would like to see as much of the economy, open as possible, provided it can be done in a safe and responsible way. And it doesn't compromise unduly, the progress we have made in public health grounds"

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