Tourism officials say a signif...


Tourism officials say a significant marketing investment will be required as Ireland's tourism industry bids to recover from Covid-19

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

03:29 2 Dec 2020

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Tourism Ireland will warn that it could take more than five years for the industry to recover.

Tourism officials believe a significant marketing investment will be required as Ireland's tourism industry bids to recover from covid-19.

They are set to tell the Oireachtas Tourism Committee about the catastrophic impact the virus has has on the sector this year.

Tourism Ireland will warn that it could take more than five years for the industry to recover.

Its CEO Niall Gibbons is hopeful things will start to pick up by next summer:

"We're planning to embark on a campaign launch around St Patrick's week with a view to international travel hopefully returning in Quarter Two of next year, and hopefully saving that summer season, that being said, we still forecast next year will be be quite choppy and a long way to go, given the decline that we've witnessed in tourism, but we do feel that there's a turning point coming now in relation to where we're going from a tourism perspective"

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