Up to 10,000 doses of the Pfiz...


Up to 10,000 doses of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine could arrive in Ireland before the end of the year

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

02:45 16 Dec 2020

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But the head of the government's vaccine taskforce says the final details have yet to be confirmed.

After months of waiting, a Covid-19 vaccine could be just weeks away from arriving here.

European regulators will meet next Monday to discuss approval of the Pfizer jab.

If they give it the green light, doses could start arriving here before the new year.

But Professor Brian McCraith, who leads the vaccine taskforce, says it would only be in small amounts.

Professor McCraith also said no details have been confirmed yet and discussions with the company are ongoing.

Meanwhile, the government is looking at the idea of vaccine certificates - and whether they'll be needed to attend social gatherings or sporting events.

Health Minister Stephen Donnelly says they'll have to base any decision on evidence about the jabs:

"Let's assume it had no benefit in terms of transmissibility, it's believed it will have, but imagine it had none, being vaccinated might protect you, but you could still be carrying the disease, and let's say you went into a nursing home It wouldn't be protecting anyone else in the nursing home," he said.

Today's Oireachtas Health Committee meeting has also heard 15 mass vaccination centres are under consideration by the HSE as part of the rollout.

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