Urgent issues need to be addre...


Urgent issues need to be addressed before restrictions are lifted says infectious diseases expert

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

08:59 16 Apr 2020

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There are urgent issues that need to be addressed before we can even think about lifting the Covid-19 restrictions, according to an infectious diseases expert.

The death toll from the virus now stands at 444, while it's been confirmed two healthcare staff, who worked at St Luke's Hospital in Kilkenny, have died after contracting the virus.

Professor Jack Lambert says clusters among the likes of the homeless, students and drug users need to be identified and a strategy to deal with them put in place.

He says adequate hygiene facilities for the public are also needed.

"I've walked around town when I'm going to and from work and other situations, and it's an embarrassment the facilities that are there.

"People are doing what they can, but is it the responsibility of a little shop to have all the hand sanitisers?

"They need directions, they need supervision, they need support, none of that's in place."

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