Vintners Federation Of Ireland...


Vintners Federation Of Ireland Respond To Calls For Pubs To Close For A Fortnight

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

11:04 12 Mar 2020

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The call came from the Green Party

The Vintners Federation of Ireland have responded to calls from the Green Party to close pubs for the next two weeks..

The VFI says its members will follow any instructions from the Chief Medical Officer, the Expert Advisory Group and government.

The group say it's important that decisions about how best to mitigate the impact of the Coronavirus are made by experts and not unqualified spokespeople and as of today  there is no change to those instructions and pubs are operating as normal..

In a statement issued to RedFM News the VFI says they are continuing to provide staff and customers with appropriate hand washing facilities and have re-iterated that public health comes first and publicans will implement instructions from the Expert Advisory Group as they are published.

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