Warning for public to guard ag...


Warning for public to guard against financial abuse

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

07:07 14 Apr 2020

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A warning's going out to the public to guard against any increase in financial abuse during the coronavirus crisis.

Safeguarding Ireland says people who use 'temporary agents' to bank or collect social welfare on their behalf need to be wary.

It says it's estimated internationally that between 10-20 per cent of agents abuse their position.

Chair of Safeguarding Ireland, Patricia Rickard-Clarke says it's risky giving your personal details to someone else.

"Theres the risk that they have to give their PPS card to the person, and that must be handed over for every collection, and the temporary arrangements are extended to 15 payments - normally a temporary arrangement would only be for a short period of 5 payments.

"So there's an extended number of payments that can be collected - but it would be important that the person can keep control."

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