Boris Johnson


Boris Johnson "stable" after second night in ICU

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

01:18 8 Apr 2020

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The British Prime Minister has spent a second night in intensive care due to COVID-19.

Boris Johnson is said to be 'stable' after spending a second night in intensive care at a hospital in London.

Downing Street says he is in 'good spirits' and is receiving oxygen - but is not on a ventilator.

His Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has been filling in for the Prime Minister as he continues to get treatment for coronavirus.

However despite this move, questions have been raised about Mr Raab's powers and how limited they are.

Former international trade Secretary Liam Fox believes the government can continue as normal.

"It's about getting the arguments out there so that everybody can understand the decisions that are being taken.

"Not everyone is going to agree with everything anyway - the point is you come to a collective decision that everyone is willing to abide by."

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