Luke 'Ming' Flanagan says EU's...


Luke 'Ming' Flanagan says EU's plan for recovery will lead to austerity

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

10:04 24 Apr 2020

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An Irish MEP claims the EU's plan to help countries recover from the coronavirus pandemic will lead to more austerity.

Yesterday European leaders signed off on an immediate 540 billion euro package to help countries who've been badly hit.

They've also agreed to work over the next two weeks on setting up an additional recovery fund, worth at least one trillion euro.

But MEP Luke 'Ming' Flanagan is strongly criticising the plans.

"If this money comes from the European stability mechanism ultimately countries will have to pay this back.

"Ultimately it will put them in a situation where their debt to GDP ratio is unsustainable, and in the long term it will make it more difficult for them to borrow from the markets.

"The result of that will be we'll see more austerity, and we'll see more problems in Europe as a result of it."

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