Oil prices in the US fall belo...


Oil prices in the US fall below zero

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

12:52 21 Apr 2020

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It's not clear when the impact of falling oil prices will hit the Irish market, according to a leading consumer expert.

Oil prices in the US have fallen below zero, citing a lack of demand and not enough storage space.

It means traders are effectively been paying anyone to take it off their hands.

Dermott Jewell of the Consumer Association of Ireland says people will hope falling prices will affect them sooner rather than later.

"Most consumers now will be looking in any shape or form in any way they can save some money.

"The short, medium and long term  effect of this could be significant in terms of household budget.

"You can't help but understand or expect that consumers will want to see the reduction in price coming across now."

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